Mach’s Gut, Mutti
Portrait Painting of Angela Merkel by Elizabeth Payton FAIRUSE
Creative Common Market
Mrs Merkel
you’ve done swell
You helped keep the EU afloat
but not to gloat:
its greatest trials
lie ahead.
You mothballed many a nuclear power station
only to make the country more dependent
on coal for energy generation
- and less likely to meet its goals under the Paris Agreement.
You managed to keep open
as so many of your people had been hoping
the lines to Moscow and Beijing
but at what cost for the future?
(Do you really think that the pipeline
will make it easier to align
relations between Russia
and 21st century Prussia
without alienating your allies
and compromising historic ties?
You should know at the very least
You grew up in the East….)
I could go on
but I do not want to leave the impression
that I consider your action
a failure: not at all.
You have done better than most.
Yet you leave your post
with your country facing greater challenges
than when you assumed it.
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